Dancing House......

The Amazing Grace Christmas House. Designed and programmed by Richard Holdman in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

This is the most popular water balloon shot

This is shot @ 1800 FPS it shows the interaction of the body and water.... We spent a lot of time making sure that there where no wardrobe failures at all. we know that is not what some of you want to see but this is a family channel.

Top 3 Military Fails.........

As you know the Harrier can take-off vertically, so the pilot accidentaly accelerated while the engines were rotating to hover. So the engine lost all of his power, causing the plane to fall.


Rather than upload an official clip... I wanted to capture the moment as it was transmitted live. All the little nuances, technical glithes and commentary which will be lost when the official DVD comes out. Rarely do I make a video of a video (I really dislike it tbh) but this event was so important I just needed to capture it. This video starts about 15 minutes into the Pageant and lasts for about 8 minutes. There is a first part which also lasts 8 minutes. 16 minutes of history...as televised live by the BBC at around 3.10pm GMT.

The Re-floating of the MT Phoenix Tanker

The tanker, the MT Phoenix got in trouble in the vehement storm that was belting on the Kwazulu-Natal north coast on the 26th of July 2011. It eventually stranded on the beach off Sheffield Beach with its stern coming in first and as the stern got stuck it swung around until the bow almost rested on dry beach the next morning after the storm subsided... After the second refloating attempt the ship is pushed back to its original position by the successive swells. The swip swivels around its stern which is the part where it is actually more firmly stuck and it originally stranded with its stern first as well..Later the maritime helicopter removes the crew from the ship and the operation for the day is abandoned again... The third refloating attempt took place after dark at about 18h30 on the 3rd of August 2011. The ZTUG SMIT AYANDA was again tied to the front of the ZTUG SMIT AMANDLA and a single cable was used that was attached to the original anchor chain of the tanker. The tanker didn't want to move nothwithstanding the bigger force of the combined two tugboats. At about 18h50, the chain that was attached to the bow snapped again and in this long 30 second exposure we can clearly see the sparks that eminated as the chain was pulled at high speed through the holes. The opportunity that lied in the remains of the spring tide was now exhausted and the operation was now postponed for a month till the next new moon and spring tide and in the meantime more salvaging and cleanup took place as well as planning for the next operation..This time two cables would be used connected to the two tugboats seperately. On Friday the 2nd of September 2011 the final refloating exercise on the MT Phoenix off Sheffield Beach on the Kwazulu-Natal North Coast of South Africa was to commence. The refloating required a swell of at least 2m and as New Moon went past a few days earlier, the spring tide was still dominant. It was anticipated then that inclement weather from the south would hopefully contribute to the effect and the peak of the tide was going to be at 18h27. Earlier the afternoon the two tugboats ZTUG SMIT AMANDLA and ZTUG SMIT AYANDA were already present and connected with seperate cables to the bow section of the ship. The ship was more firmly fixed on its stern side and the idea was to swivel it around by pulling the bow away from the beach to face seawards.

Pakistan First self made Hybrid Car..

Pakistan First self made Hybrid Car made by NUST university students.

Open & Drink Five Bottle with out touch the hand just in 30 Sec.

Awsume Human Teeth Power.

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